Developing Transformational Leaders Application of Full Range Leadership Model (FRLM)

Developing Transformational Leaders Application of Full Range Leadership Model (FRLM)


This workshop over 1 Day will illustrate the innovative Full Range Leadership Model (FRLM) from Bass and Avolio and to demonstrate how this model can be utilized within organizations to develop transformational leadership. The FRLM will enable learners to be equipped with the knowledge and skills how the transformational leadership styles identified within the model are highly correlated with leader performance. The FRL Model is probably the most research and validated leadership model in use world-wide today. The transformational styles described by the model are highly correlated with leadership success.

The FRL Model workshop will enlighten the points, on what is required in this century for a change in the balance of leadership behaviors, away from the more transactional styles and more towards the transformational styles to meet to the ever changing dynamic environment.

Course Outline

  • Effective Leadership for 21st Century and 4 Actions of Great Leaders
  • Understanding and applying FRLM relationship to transactional and transformational leadership styles
    • Contingent Reward (CR)
    • Idealized Influence (II)
    • Individual Consideration (IC)
    • Inspirational Motivation (IM)
    • Intellectual Stimulation (IS)
    • Management-By-Exception (MBE Active & Passive)
    • Laissez-Faire (LF)
  • Application of the FRLM through Case Studies (Customized)
  • Personal Reflections and Crafting Personal Action Plan to transfer learning back to workplace


1 Day


To be announced

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